CST - Common Validation Errors and Warnings: 11-4-16

When uploading student data from your SIS to WISEid, you may encounter a variety of validation messages. Some are merely informational, while others are error or warning messages. To assist you in handling the validation messages, we have compiled a list of the ten most common errors and the ten most common warnings. Below you will find the short and long versions of the error and warning messages, as well as the recommended ways to resolve the issues.





Error 6606

  • Short Text: Required field is missing, 'Exit Withdraw Date'.
  • Long Text: Exit Withdraw Date is required at the end of each school year, even for students continuing in the same school in the next school year. This rule runs once a school year has ended; i.e., this error will be returned for school year X beginning 7/1 of school year X+1.
  • How to Fix: Enter an exit or withdrawal date in the Exit Withdraw Date field for when the student left your school, even if the student intends to return to your school next year.

Error 6464
  • Short Text: Actual Attendance and Possible Attendance are missing. If the student has no actual or possible days of attendance, then submit 0. If attendance exists in your local SIS, then contact your vendor to determine how to submit attendance via the Wisconsin extension of the Student API resource.
  • Long Text: Actual Attendance and Possible Attendance are missing. If the student has no actual or possible days of attendance, then submit 0. If attendance exists in your local SIS, then contact your vendor to determine how to submit attendance via the Wisconsin extension of the Student API resource.
  • How to Fix: Verify the student’s attendance. Submit 0 if the student did not attend at all. If the student did attend your school, talk to your SIS vendor about how to submit attendance through the WI extension of the Student API resource.

Error 6480
  • Short Text: Required field is missing, 'Exit Type'.
  • Long Text: Student has an exit date, but no Exit Type was submitted. Modify the Exit Type or remove exit date, if appropriate.
  • How to Fix: If the student left your school, enter an Exit Type to describe why the student left. If the student did not exit your school, clear the exit date field.

Error 6395
  • Short Text: Race/Ethnicity reporting category does not match the current value in WISEid.
    Long Text: Race/Ethnicity submitted in this record is associated with a different reporting category than the current value in WISEid. Review WISEid and contact other agencies associated with this student. Correct the value in your local SIS and resubmit the record.
  • How to Fix: First verify the student’s correct ethnicity. Modify your SIS records and the WISEid record, so every location reflects the appropriate value for the student's ethnicity.
Error 6396
  • Short Text: The name of the student does not match the value in WISEid.
  • Long Text: The full name supplied does not match any name for this student in WISEid. Review WISEid and your local SIS and make necessary corrections.
  • How to Fix: Verify the student’s legal name first. Then modify your SIS record and WISEid, so they both match and include the student’s accurate name.

Error 6507
  • Short Text: Required field is missing, 'Expected Transfer District or Choice School' for expected transfer to a school covered by the WISEdata.
  • Long Text: Expected transfer to a school covered by WISEdata; not known to be continuing was selected. Expected Transfer District Code or Choice School Code must be provided.
  • How to Fix: Check to see if the student is transferring to another school. If so, enter the code for the district or choice school where you expect the student to transfer.

Error 6510
  • Short Text: Invalid Expected Transfer Agency
  • Long Text: Invalid Expected Transfer Agency. This school is not a valid agency for this collection and school year.
  • How to Fix: Remove the invalid transfer agency code you entered. After verifying the correct transfer agency where the student is going, input the appropriate agency code in the Expected Transfer Agency field.


Error 6509

  • Short Text: Invalid Expected Transfer School
  • Long Text: Invalid Expected Transfer School. This school is not a valid school within Expected Transfer District for this collection and school year.
  • How to Fix: Remove the invalid transfer school code you entered. After verifying the correct transfer school where the student is going, input the appropriate school code in the Expected Transfer School field.

Error 6511
  • Short Text: The Expected Transfer School should not be provided.
  • Long Text: Expected Transfer School should be provided only for intradistrict transfers. The expected transfer district is not the submitting district; expected transfer school should not be provided. Resubmit the student without Expected Transfer School.
  • How to Fix: Verify the school to which the student is transferring. If it is not a transfer to a school within your district, remove the transfer school code from the Expected Transfer School field.

Error 6469
  • Short Text: No overlap of enrollment periods is allowed.
  • Long Text For submission to DPI, agencies must reconcile entry and exit dates such that no overlap is submitted to DPI. DPI is aware that overlap does occur. In such cases, all agencies involved shall cooperate with the following rules prior to submission. The agency with the most recent enroll date shall keep its enroll date, and the overlap shall be corrected by moving the exit date of the other agency prior to the most recent enroll date.
  • How to Fix: Check the exact dates the student was enrolled in your school versus when he or she exited for another school. Correct the entered dates, so your entry and exit dates don’t overlap with time at another location. For example, if a student has an exit date of June 6 from your school, but another school has the same student enrolled with an entry date of June 1, you need to modify the dates until there is no enrollment time overlap between schools.


Warning 6567

  • Short Text: Completed School Term is 'Yes' in multiple enrollment records for multiple districts or agencies.
  • Long Text: Completed School Term is 'Yes' in multiple enrollment records for multiple districts or agencies. Completed School Term 'Yes' would typically be expected only in the most recent enrollment record for the school term. Review the Completed School Term codes for this student.
  • How to Fix: Verify if the student was indeed enrolled in your district for the term in question. If the student should remain as a 'yes' for the completed school term, work with the other district(s) to remove the 'yes' from their records to avoid the student appearing to have completed a school term in multiple locations. Then acknowledge the warning.

Warning 6377
  • Short Text: No enrollment for this School
  • Long Text No enrollment for this School
  • How to Fix: Check to see if the student was truly enrolled in this school for the time in question. If so, enter the appropriate enrollment information. If not, modify your enrollment records accordingly to clear the student data before acknowledging the warning.

Warning 6471
  • Short Text: Actual or Possible Days of Attendance exceeds 200 days across multiple schools of enrollment.
  • Long Text: The total Actual or Possible Days of Attendance exceeds 200 days across multiple schools of enrollment. Do not include days of summer session attendance.
  • How to Fix: Remove the previous incorrectly entered value for attendance, and then check to see the number of days the student attended, excluding any potential summer school. If the student attended another school at some point, verify correct entry and exit dates for enrollment at your school, ensuring the total attendance between schools does not exceed 200 total days. Update the attendance days to the correct number, and then acknowledge the warning.

Warning 6474
  • Short Text: Actual or Possible days of attendance for this school are zero.
  • Long Text Actual or Possible days of attendance for this school are zero. The school code is shown in the 'Field Value'.
  • How to Fix: Check to see if the student attended your school or not. If the student attended, remove the incorrect zero value, and input the actual days the student attended your school. Afterwards acknowledge the warning.

Warning 6498
  • Short Text: Exit Type HSC, ‘High School Completion', was submitted, but Grade Level Placement is not 12.
  • Long Text: Exit Type HSC, ‘High School Completion', was submitted, but Grade Level Placement is not 12. Review the Exit Type and/or Grade Level Placement.
  • How to Fix: Verify whether or not the student indeed graduated from twelfth grade. If so, update the Grade Level Placement value to 12. If the student was not in twelfth grade, correct the Exit Type, so it does not show High School Completion. The student must have successfully finished grade 12 to use the Exit Type of HSC, 'High School Completion'. Once the value(s) are updated, you can acknowledge the warning.



Warning 6491

  • Short Text: 'High School Completion' Exit Type was selected, but student is under 16 years of age.
  • Long Text: Student is under 16 on the exit date and has been reported as a high school completer. Modify the Exit Type, if appropriate.
  • How to Fix: Check both the student’s actual age and if the student really did complete high school. It's very rare for a student to graduate at age 16. Likely, you will need to alter the Exit Type value for the 16 year-old to the correct reason the student left. If, instead, the student’s age is incorrect, update the age value. Acknowledge the warning once complete.

Warning 6418
  • Short Text: Student with Composite Proficiency Level of 6.0 submitted as 'Never ELL/LEP'. A Composite Proficiency Level of 6.0 may be overridden to English Language Proficiency Code 7 for students in low grade levels, KG or 01, or misidentified students who should not have been tested. Student is submitted with English Language Proficiency Code 7, 'Fully proficient, never ELL/LEP'. Student has Composite Proficiency Level of 6.0 as determined by the most recent administration of the DPI-approved English Language Proficiency test (i.e., ACCESS for ELLs ®) and either has no prior enrollment or was previously reported as code 7, 'Fully proficient, never ELL/LEP.'
  • Long Text: Student with Composite Proficiency Level of 6.0 submitted as 'Never ELL/LEP'. A Composite Proficiency Level of 6.0 may be overridden to English Language Proficiency Code 7 for students in low grade levels, KG or 01, or misidentified students who should not have been tested. Student is submitted with English Language Proficiency Code 7, 'Fully proficient, never ELL/LEP.'  Student has Composite Proficiency Level of 6.0 as determined by the most recent administration of the DPI-approved English Language Proficiency test (i.e., ACCESS for ELLs ®) and either has no prior enrollment or was previously reported as code 7, 'Fully proficient, never ELL/LEP.'
  • How to Fix: Check to see if the student was ELL/LEP. If he or she was, verify the Composite Proficiency Level. If the level is 6.0, the student cannot have a value of ‘Never ELL/LEP.’ If the level is 7.0, the student cannot have a value of ‘Fully Proficient, never ELL/LEP.’ Update the student’s Proficiency Level code to the accurate number, and then acknowledge the warning.

Warning 6490
  • Short Text: Multiple Credentials were submitted by multiple districts/agencies for this student.
  • Long Text: Student was submitted as receiving multiple High School Completion Credentials from multiple districts/agencies for a single school term. This will result in the student being counted multiple times in Statewide high school completion statistics. Consider use of Exit Type 'Transfer to a school within the WISEdata, known to be continuing in lieu of 'High School Completion,' if both apply, especially if the student receives a regular High School Diploma in a later school. Review the High School Completion Credential types for further information.
  • How to Fix: Check to see if the student truly graduated from your school or another one; verify with the student or other district, if necessary. Once you have identified where the student graduated, update the record to reflect the accurate answer. If the student graduated from your school, work with the other districts to have them alter their Exit Type. If the student left your school and graduated elsewhere, remove the ‘High School Completion’ Exit Type and replace it with the appropriate Exit Type. Acknowledge the warning.

Warning 6467
  • Short Text: The exit date is expected to occur before 9/1 of the subsequent DPI calendar year.
  • Long Text The exit date is expected to occur before 9/1 of the subsequent DPI calendar year.
  • How to Fix: Verify the student’s actual enrollment at your school. Remove the old exit date value and update to the correct date. The correct date must be prior to September 1 of the next DPI calendar year. Acknowledge the warning when finished.

Warning 6506
  • Short Text: Private-paying student was submitted by another private school as an expected interdistrict transfer to your choice district, system, or school.
  • Long Text Private-paying student was submitted by another private school as an expected interdistrict transfer to your choice district, system, or school. No record of this interdistrict transfer has been found in WISEdata. If this student transferred to your system or school, then submit a WISEdata enrollment record for the student to verify the student's status as a transfer.
  • How to Fix: Find out if the student ever attended your school/district and, if so, when. If the student did not attend your school, work with the other district to have them alter their records to prevent showing the student as an expected transfer to your school/district. If, however, the student did attend your school, you must update your SIS records and WISEdata records to reflect the student’s transfer and correct enrollment dates. Then you can acknowledge the warning.

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