Validation Error 6376

Short Text: Invalid ‘Grade Level Placement’ grade provided is outside the low-high range for your school.
Long Text: Invalid ‘Grade Level Placement’ grade provided is outside the low-high range for your school. Adjust these grades within the School Directory Management Portal application. You can also submit a Help Ticket and select School Directory Update from the Applications drop-down menu if you need DPI help to do this.

How to Fix: The person making changes to the School Directory Management Portal application must have the user role of “Directory Update". If you do not hold this user role, you must request it from your agency’s District Security Administrator (DSA) or your agency’s Application Administrator. You can make the request, and they can assign this role to you all within WISEsecure.

  1. Verify the student’s accurate grade level and update the SIS.
    1. If the student’s grade level is accurate, verify your LEA offers this grade level.
  2. Verify enrollment type is Primary or PPP.
    1. Do not consider grade level of students on enrollment types that are not Primary or PPP.
  3. Verify the grade levels provided by your LEA are accurately reflected on School Directory.
    1. Make changes within the School Directory Management Portal application as needed.
    2. NOTE: Only public LEAs can select PK. Refer to the Educational Service (PK) data element page for more information.


To Make Changes with the School Directory Management Portal:
Adjust the High Grade/Low grade settings from the ‘Basic Information Tile’ on the School Directory management Portal.

  • Login to WISEhome.
  • Open the School Directory Management Portal.
  • On a separate tab within your browser, go to the School Directory Management Portal: User Guide landing page.
  • Open the User Guide for your agency type.
  • Follow the instructions on the ‘Basic Information Tile’ section for Grades Served by adjusting the High Grade and Low Grade.  
    • Public LEAs will need to make these adjustments on school level, meaning they will need to follow instructions on the School Directory User Guide, ‘Public Schools Tile’.
  • If you need DPI assistance with this task, submit a Help Ticket and select School Directory Update from the Applications Drop-down menu to request a change in the low-high range for your school’s grade levels.
  • NOTE:  There is a period of time each year where the School Directory Management Portal is ‘closed’ for a school year flip. This usually occurs between December and January. No edits can be made when the application is closed.


Public School, Example: District Deb receives an error that Amy, a three-year-old in Head Start program through a local preschool, has a record with an invalid grade level that is outside the acceptable range of grades for the school. When Deb researches the matter, she finds that Amy's record was submitted because she is participating in a Head Start program, and was annotated with PK. However, Amy does not have an IEP. Without an IEP, Amy's record does not need to be submitted to WISEdata Portal. Only students who have not reached the age for first grade (aged 3, 4 or 5), and are not enrolled in K4 or KG, and have an IEP, and receive primary educational services from the LEA / Agency need to get submitted as PK. Deb will need to work with her SIS vendor to learn how to withdraw the record she submitted to DPI.

Choice School, Example: Choice School Charles receives an error that Jeffery, a three-year-old enrolled in the private school's early education program, has a record with an invalid grade level that is outside the acceptable range of grades for the school. Charles knows that Choice schools report enrollment records for students in grade K4 - 12. When he researches the matter, he finds that the student did not turn 4 years old prior to September first of the current school year. So, Jeffery's enrollment record must be excluded from being reported to WISEdata. Charles will need to work with his SIS vendor to mark the student's enrollment as excluded from state reporting. Once Jeffery turns four, his enrollment record can begin on his 4th birthday.

Technical Details:
Business Rule Logic: gradeLevelDescriptor on studentSchoolAssociation (Enrollment record) does not fall within the school grade. Check for Primary or PPP enrollment.


Additional Comments
For more info, see the School Directory User guide landing page
For more info, see the Low grade/High grade data element page
For more info, see the Educational Service (PK) data element page for more details on PK
For more info, see the grade level placement data element page
For more info, see the Early Childhood Participants Uncommon WISEdata Reporting Situations page
For more info, see the Private Schools: Choice and Non-Choice Data Reporting  page
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