Validation Error 6626

Short Text: Native Language Code is missing. This field is required when the student has an English Language Proficiency Code (ELP Code) of 1-5 or the student is an Immigrant under Title III. 


Long Text: Native Language Code is missing. This field is required when the student has an English Language Proficiency Code (ELP Code) of 1-5 or the student is an Immigrant under Title III. The Native Language of the student should be sourced from the Home Language Survey (HLS) administered to the parents or guardians of a student at the time of district enrollment. Valid language codes are found in the ISO 639-2 standard under the Terminology (T) version. Languages not appearing in that standard should be coded as their nearest relative or parent language group.  


NOTE: Native Language code is not required for PPP / DOC / DHS. This error does not apply to Choice schools. 



How to Fix: Find out from the Home Language Survey (HLS) administered to the parents or guardians of a student at the time of district enrollment what the student's native language is. Input the value for that native language into the student’s record that uses a standard language code. 


Example: District Deb sees an error that Wajahat’s record is missing a native language code. Deb checks with Wajahat and his parents to find out his native language and consults the Home Language Survey results. She then corrects the error by entering Wajahat’s language code in the Native Language field. 


Technical Details: 

Business Rule Logic: Throw on SEOA 

Do not run for PPP = Y / DOC / DHS. 

Throw the rule if ELP code is 1-5 

OR StudentCharacteristics is 'Immigrant' (one of the characteristics is immigrant) 


If StudentLanguage is missing or LanguageUseDescriptor is not 'NativeLanguage

Additional Comments

For more info, see the Native Language data element page. 

