CST - Enrollment: Special Education Cases
Students with Special Education needs may be fully enrolled and receiving all services at one school/district, but they may also receive Special Education services outside the school where they receive the rest of their education services. There may also be a third party involved, which can make it even more complex to determine who should have the student's primary service provider enrollment.

A Student is Assigned to You When...
A student is assigned to your district if the student receives his or her primary PK-12 educational services either (1) directly from district employees or (2) from a third party (not another Wisconsin district) under the direct supervision of your district. Services provided by district employees or third parties might be received in a school building, library, hospital, county corrections, college, or any other location. Services include, but are not limited to, IEP services and may or may not be provided in standard full school day increments. PK includes a wide range of services, such as Title I preschool, Headstart, special education birth through age 2 programs, and more.

Third Party Agreements
Many districts/schools arrange and supervise educational services for students through agreements or contracts with third parties. Third parties might include technical colleges, community-based organizations, nonprofit-nonsectarian agencies, universities, school to work program providers, cooperative educational service agencies, out-of-state school districts, private schools, residential care centers, Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Wisconsin School for the Deaf, County Children with Disabilities Education Board schools (CCDEB), etc.

CCDEB and State School Cases:
CCDEB and State Schools will report students to WISEdata. This means that Public schools will no longer submit any data to DPI for accountable students attending CCDEB or State Schools. LEA's may elect to track these enrollments within their own student information system, however these enrollments should be configured such that they are not sent to WISEdata.

Students attending one of the State schools or a CCDEB have a few particular data submission facts to note.
  • When entering the resident school district value, that should be the district in which the child resides, though there are occasional exceptions. 
  • The State school or CCDEB should not be the FAPE school/district. When selecting the FAPE-Responsible District, it should be the school and district that will be held accountable for the student's educational outcome. This is likely the district that wrote the IEP to send the student to the CCDEB or State school, which is also often the resident district. Some exceptions may occur around court placements.
  • WCBVI , Wisconsin School for the Deaf, Lakeland School, and Syble Hopp will report their  students to WISEdata. This means that Public schools will no longer submit any data to DPI for accountable students attending these CCDEB or State Schools. Resident Districts will still report Challenge Academy students, though.
  • CCDEB and State school students should NOT have a program association submission of Third Party-Other. 
  • Make certain to set all of the Special Education Program Association's Parentally-Placed Private indicators to 'No'.
  • LEAs may elect to track these enrollments within their own student information systems;  however, these enrollments should be configured such that they are not sent to WISEdata. Mark the checkbox for ‘Exclude from State Reporting’ on the WISEdata page to remove the student's record from your WISEdata Portal, so the student’s data isn’t sent to DPI. Depending on your SIS setup, you may also need to delete the entries on the student's Ed-Fi screen.  


Related Errors/Warnings:

See the related validation warning articles for more information on this code and how to resolve it.
Warning 6614
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