Validation Error 6394
Short Text: Birth date does not match the current value in WISEid.
Long Text: Birth date submitted in this record is different than the current value in WISEid.  Review WISEid and contact other agencies associated with this student.  Correct the value in your local SIS and resubmit the record.

How to Fix:
  1. Verify the student’s date of birth, using a birth certificate if possible or another reliable resource as determined by your school/district. District policies determine what document or information is required by a district to prove the birth date and what is required may vary by district.
  2. Once you’ve verified the birth date, check it against what is in your SIS as compared to WISEid.
    1. If the dates do not match, enter the correct value in your SIS to upload into WISEid.
    2. If the dates do match, it is likely the student is linked to another school/agency that has entered a different birth date for the student.
If your updated birth date has triggered a Change request:
  1. Check to see if DPI has denied the request.  You can appeal the denial with further information in the comments for DPI to review.
  2. If you need to self-verify than verify your district approved documentation reflects this new birthdate
  3. If you need further submit a help ticket

Example: Serena’s record is returning an error that her date of birth in the school’s SIS doesn’t match what’s in WISEid. District Dylan looks into the matter and checks with Serena’s parents to verify her birth date. Serena’s parents bring a copy of Serena’s birth certificate to school, and it is viewed by District Dylan and both of the front desk secretaries.
Serena’s birthdate, as it is entered on Dylan’s end in the SIS, is correct. This is confusing since a correct birthdate should not throw an Error.
After a little more research, Dylan finds out that Serena that the birthdate and first name were incorrect at her last school district.
District Dylan follows the steps located on the WISEid User Guide for Date of Birth Change Requests:

  1. Login to WISEid, and get to the Change Request tab in the Message Center menu.
  2. On the Message Center Change Request screen, find the Change Request you want to check on using the filters (i.e., Status, Denied, or Change Type, Birth date).
  3. Click View to see the expanded view, including the Comments. Here you will read DPI’s denial comment. 
    • NOTEComments entered on change requests that are reviewed by DPI for birth date and first and/or middle name combinations must indicate that the district has approved the change request based on district policy for such changes. District policies determine what document or information is required.​​​​​​​
  4. Write your comment in the comment box - indicating that you have viewed legal documentation to support the change request - and click the blue ‘Post Comment’ button. 
    • Provide a comment that states the required documentation was viewed.
    • Name the specific form of legal documentation in the comment.
    • NOTE: Adding a comment and clicking the “Post Comment” button does not change the status of the Change request.
  5. Click on the Requested Changes tab.
  6. Click the blue button that says, “Appeal to DPI”. Without clicking this button will not send the appeal to DPI and DPI will not be able to help you with this change request.
    • NOTE: If this last step is not completed, your comments will never make it to DPI because when DPI denied the change request, it closed the change request in DPI’s queue.
Technical Details:
Business Rule Logic:
(1) The values for both Ed-Fi elements must be present for this rule to process.
(2) This message is displayed only when associated reporting categories do not match.
(3) This rule is not run for Possible Full-Term Dropout (FTD) records.
Additional Comments
For more info on birth dates, view the Date of Birth data element page.
For more info on steps for a Date of Birth Change Request, visit the WISEid User Guide section on Change Requests.