Validation Error 6918
Error 6918
Short TextThe sLIPA Begin Date cannot be before the start of the DPI school year (July 1).
Long Text: The sLIPA Begin Date cannot be before the start of the DPI school year (July 1). If this occurred as a result of a clerical error, double check the record and ensure the sLIPA Begin Date was entered. The Begin Date is the enrollment entry date for continuing ELs or the date of identification for new ELs.
Business Rule Logic: Throw the error when SLIPA begin date < DPI school year start date ( 07/01)
How to Fix: This error appears if a student's Student Language Instruction Program Association Begin Date is before the start of the DPI school year, which is July 1. To correct the issue, update the Begin Date to a date after July 1.
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