Validation Error 6915
Short Text: Certificated Program Status is submitted for course associated with a program and Program Reference is other than the 'Certified Career Education' program.
Long Text: Certificated Program Status is submitted for course associated with a program and Program Reference other than the 'Certified Career Education' program. To fix the error verify if the course is associated with a certified program if so update the program reference to 'certified career education'.
How to Fix: This error will let you know that there is an issue with the program reference submitted for a student's course. In this case, the course has not been submitted with a program reference of Certified Career Education. However, the data element of Certificated Program Status is submitted, which is a value to state the student's progress toward being certified. If the student isn't in a course associated with a program working towards certification, the student wouldn't be able to have a certificated status. Verify if the student is submitted with the correct program or not. 
  • If the student has the correct program, remove the Certificated Program Status value.
  • If the student is working toward a certificate, leave the certificated value but modify the program associated with a course to Certified Career Education program 
Example: Saul's record is throwing an error that he is associated with a course that has an unexpected value submitted based on the current program submitted. In this case, Saul is enrolled in a course that is submitted currently with a Non-Certified Career Education Program but has a value of In Progress for the Certificated Program Status Type field. District Deb knows the certificated field is only for students working in a Certified program for a certificate. Deb looks into the matter and sees Saul's program is correct, and so she removes the value for Certificated Program Status Type.
Business Rule Logic: Certificated Program Status Type submitted on /Grades AND section program is other than 'certified career education' OR  section program is NULL AND any of the primary enrollment grade level is between 9-12

NOTE: (a.) If a primary school has multiple /sSA with different grade levels, then if any grade level is 9 to 12 from the multiple /sSA in that specific school, then the data element rules will be applied as if all CE records are in grades 9-12. 

(b.) if a student has primary enrollments and non-primary coursework enrollments and any primary enrollment has grade 9 to 12 and the non-primary coursework enrollment school submitted a Career Education related course via a course program association, then the non-primary school of enrollment will be required to submit data elements as if the grade was 9 to 12 regardless of the grade level in the non-primary enrollment /sSA.

(c.) CE course-related programs should be submitted by primary and non-primary agencies.


For more information, visit the CTE Programs data element page
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