CST - Residential Care Centers
A residential care center (RCC) is a child welfare agency licensed under s. 48.60, Wis. Stats. [115.76(4)]. The responsibilities of Wisconsin local educational agencies (LEAs), counties, and state agencies for the education of children with disabilities residing in RCCs is defined in s. 115.81, Wis. Stats.

RCC Students: Enrollment and Exit

Non-Disabled Student in RCC: When a non-disabled student is placed by a court or a parent in an RCC, the student must be exited from the previous school district. The prior district should use the TNC exit code and cease tracking attendance and enrollment.

Disabled Student in RCC: If a disabled student resides in an RCC, the previously-attended school district should continue to track the student because the public school  provides special education services and possibly even regular education services as well. If the student comes to the school for all services, maintain enrollment records on the student, so they can be tied to the IEP/special education records. If the student is only receiving special education services, you still need to maintain enrollment, but you can choose to continue the previous one or end the prior enrollment and start a new enrollment record as of the RCC start date. 

Possible RCC Scenarios

DOC or DHS to RCC: If a student was previously housed in a Department of Corrections or Department of Health Services facility and then goes directly to an RCC, then the district of the RCC is accountable and will submit the student to WISEdata. 

RCC Student: If a student moves directly from a district school to an RCC, the district that had the student immediately prior to the RCC will remain accountable for the student and will continue submitting the student to WISEdata. If the student has an IEP, the district will also hold the IEP. 

PPP in RCC: If a parent chooses to place a regular education student in an RCC and later decides to ask for IEP services from a public school in the RCC's district, the student will be considered parentally-placed private (PPP). The RCC is viewed as the "private school" in this case with special education services coming from the local public school. The public school would then submit special education records for the student, marking the student as PPP with an educational environment of 6-21 years old. 

Court-mandated Move to RCC: If a student with an IEP lived in District A prior to a court-mandated move to an RCC in District B, District A will remain accountable for submitting the student because that district wrote the IEP and has the most knowledge and history of the student. This is only the case if the court judgment relocates the student to an RCC.
  • Even if the student's family relocates to District B or a new District C, District A still maintains accountability and responsibility for submitting the student to WISEdata. 
  • Even though the student now resides in District B where the RCC is located, District B is not accountable for and does not submit the student. 
  • In the event of a move, District C, the family's new resident district, would not be held accountable or submit for the student either, even if the student has school-age siblings attending in District C. District A is still accountable. 


            DISTRICT A              Student moves to RCC   DISTRICT B                                         DISTRICT C      

Family Relocates

District A: Original district served student, holds IEP, if applicable, remains accountable for student and continues to submit student

District B: District where RCC is located, not accountable, does not submit RCC student’s data   

District C: Student’s family’s new resident district, not accountable, does not submit RCC student’s data         

Related Warning: 6653
Acknowledge the warning if the student is in an RCC, B3, F, or G, or a separate school, B2, D, or E educational environment is used. 
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