Validation Warning 6665

Short Text:  Invalid 'Discipline Date' for expulsion.

Long Text: Invalid 'Discipline Date' for expulsion. 'Discipline Date' must be: 

  • on or after the Incident Date 

  • must occur within the same school year as the Incident Date (Mo/Day/XXXX) - OR -  

  • prior to September 14th (9/14) of the subsequent school year (Mo/Day/XXXX +1). 


When the expulsion begins at the start of the next school year, the Discipline Date is expected to be the first day of school. 

  • To ensure that this date is prior to the Third Friday of September, the Discipline Date must be on or before September 14th (9/14) of the subsequent school year.


How to Fix: Verify the student’s discipline action and discipline date that were determined after the incident. For expulsions, the discipline date should occur in the same school year as the incident date - OR - before September 14th (9/14) of the next school year. If the expulsion will occur next school year, use a Discipline Date of the first day of school. 

To clear the error, remove the invalid value in the Discipline Date field and then enter the correct date, ensuring it matches the discipline date’s year - OR - is prior to September 14th (9/14) of next school year. 

Example: Bryan’s record displays an error that he has an invalid discipline date. District Deb looks into the situation and finds that Bryan was caught trying to attack a student with a knife at school and was consequently expelled. When Deb checks on the date, she sees that the incident took place on the last day of school before summer break and that the expulsion will start at the beginning of next school year. Deb knows if the expulsion starts next year, the action should begin on the first day of school. She removes the invalid Discipline Date and enters 9/5, the first day of the next school year (and prior to the 14th).

Technical Details:

  • Business Rule Logic: Discipline descriptor = Expulsion or Expulsion with services and discipline date is less than (<) incident date or DisciplineDate is less than (<) 7/1/schoolyear-1 DisciplineDate is greater than (>) 9/14/schoolyear.

Additional Comments
For more information, see the Discipline Date data element page.