Validation Error 6725

Error 6725

  • Short Text: The Special education record does not correspond to an effective enrollment period.

  • Long Text: The Special education record does not correspond to an effective enrollment period because (1) the corresponding enrollment has been invalidated or (2) there is no corresponding enrollment because the begin and end dates on the special education record fall outside an effective enrollment period.

  • Business Rules:

    • Calculation--  Overlapping enrollments: 1. For an encompassing SSA, the effective begin date is > effective end date. In this case the SSEPA associated to this SSA will also be thrown out or become invalid. In such a case, fixing the SSA and providing the correct SSEPA associated to the date range on the SSA will fix the issue Or 2. if the SSEPA is submitted with a school ID but there is no enrollment for that school for the time period as the SSEPA

    • Logic-- SSEPA may only be considered valid within an active enrollment and may not overlap another SSEPA. This is exclusive with the other 2 sSEPA rules.

  • How to Fix: Verify the special education program (sSEPA) begin and end dates, consulting the IEP or other special education documentation as necessary. Also check the student’s enrollment period, paying close attention because Effective Date logic may have been implemented in this case to adjust the enrollment dates. See the link below on how Effective Date logic works. The Effective Dates were entered for the student’s program to prevent a mismatch of program and enrollment when the effective date logic split up the overlapping enrollments.

  • For each new enrollment, a new sSEPA record must be created. If effective date logic ended an enrollment to create a new enrollment, then it also implemented a new sSEPA record Effective Begin Date and end dated the previous one. If the dates are not correct, modify them to the correct sSEPA Begin and/or End Date, noting they must align with the enrollment dates.

  • Example 1: District Deb sees an error on Alexandra’s record that her sSEPA record dates don’t coordinate with the effective enrollment period. When she checks into the matter, she sees that the enrollment for Alexandra in the district is entirely encompassed by the enrollment in another district, which has invalidated the district enrollment and SSEPA. She double checks the enrollment dates that are encompassed and confirms they are correct. She contacts the other district so that they can correctly end their enrollment one day before the current enrollment began.

    Example 2: District Deb sees an error on Chad’s record that his sSEPA record dates don’t coordinate with an effective enrollment period. When she checks into the matter, she sees that an sSEPA has been sent to WISEdata that has an End Date prior to the Begin Date and is not being used for state reporting. She checks with Chad’s IEP team to see what the dates should be and deletes any unnecessary records and/or corrects Chad’s record accordingly. 

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