
FTE Calculation Guidance

This document provides some general information for the FTE data element and its calculation. 
FTE Definition: Full-time equivalency expressed as a whole number or decimal. The format must be a whole number or decimal >= 0.01 and =< 1.50 (i.e., 1 = full-time, 0.5 = half-time, 0.25 = 1/4 time, etc.). This value is required for all agencies except for staff reported with an assignment that has an assignment type of code 2 (Short-Term Substitute/Extra-Curricular Activities). 
The combined FTE maximum for a person working at multiple agencies is 1.5. The FTE maximum for a person with multiple assignments within the same agency is 1.99. 
How to Calculate FTE: FTE calculations are used for federal reporting and in average salary calculations. If the FTE data is incorrect, it can throw off average salary data. Please use the formulas below to calculate FTE. 
For Professionals: # of hours the person works in a year divided by the # of hours in the agency's standard work year for that employee's classification 

For Support Staff: # of hours the person works divided by 2,080

Aggregate FTE:  Assignment codes 98-0857 Bus Driver Special Education, 98-9067 Bus Driver,  98-9072 Plant Maintenance and Operation Personnel and 98-9073 Cafeteria Worker provided by a contract/vendor agency can be reported under the  Manage Staff Data - Aggregate Assignment page as simply the sum amount of FTE they provide per LEA,  school and assignment.  We have an example workbook template tool to help calculated a number of ways aggregate FTE can be calculated based on contract amount, hours contracted or number of buses .  This method doesn’t require any WISEid information for the staff reported.

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