Validation Warning 6740

Short Text: Student is submitted by your district with both an active IEP (Individualized Education Program) and Section 504 plan which overlaps for some or all of the school year. 


Long Text: Student is submitted by your district with both an active IEP and Section 504 plan which overlaps for some or all of the school year. Typically, a student would not have both a 504 plan and an IEP active at the same time. 



How to Fix: Check the student's record to see if the student has a special education program association with an active IEP. If so, it is unlikely the student would also have a Section 504 plan at the same time, so you would want to remove the 504 value, as appropriate. If the student happens to have overlapping plans for a certain period of time with both approved and in place, you can acknowledge the warning. 



Example: Ginger's record displays a warning that she has both an active IEP and Section 504 plan simultaneously. District Deb looks into the matter and sees that Ginger does have an active IEP with a special education program association (sSEPA) Begin Date that overlaps the 504 record by three days. Deb finds that the 504 plan actually ended prior to the start of the sSEPA record. Deb modifies Ginger's record, so there is no overlap, being careful to retain the correct sSEPA date and program information. Then she acknowledges the warning. 


Technical Details: 

Business Rule Logic: Throw the error on SPA If Section504Placement GSPA record overlaps with sSEPA record. Use effective dates for checking the overlap



Additional Comments

For more info, see the Section 504 Status data element page. 

For more info, see the sSEPA Begin and End Date data element page. 


