Validation Warning 6773

Short Text: Student is enrolled in a course, but multiple Grades records were submitted for the same course due to a change in Grading Periods. 


Long Text: Student is enrolled in a course, but multiple Grades records were submitted for the same course due to a change in Grading period.  



How to Fix: This warning displays when WISEdata detects duplicate grade data for the same course across different terms for a single student that results in different Grading Period values. For example, a student has a Pass for semester 1, but the same student also has a Fail for the same class in trimester 1.  

To fix:  

  1. First, verify that the student is enrolled at your school.  
  2. Then, verify that the student's courses are separate with no overlap (i.e., taking the same course twice in one grading period). If there was a modification to a Grading Period value for a course (i.e., 9-week course, trimester, semester course) you want to avoid accidentally submitting duplicate data for the same course.  
  3. Review the multiple grade records submitted for the same course and student.  
  4. Determine which one grade record should be retained and which one can be removed from state reporting. Work with your SIS vendor as necessary to remove the extra grade record. 



Example: Gill, a student in Teacher Nancy’s algebra class (a year-long class graded at the semester), has an A as their letter grade in Algebra for Trimester 1; this is a passing grade, so the Grade Completion Status should be marked with a Pass. Gill also has an A as their letter grade in Algebra for semester 1. This is a passing grade, so the Grade Completion Status should be marked with a Pass, but it is marked with a Fail. Teacher Nancy sees the duplicate grade and realizes the trimester grade is not a standard grading period for her school. She removes the trimester grade and ensures that the Grade Completion status for the semester is Pass, to clear the error. 


Technical Details: 

Business Rule Logic: Multiple grades endpoints submitted for a student for a single student section Association with grade type as 'Final' But a change in grading period begin date or grading period descriptor on the grading period reference. For a specific school year, this rule should run after the school year in July.  

If multiple grades exit and there is a difference in the grading period, but the performance-based indicator is Pass for both records or Fail for both records, then do not throw the warning. Only throw if one is Pass and the other is Fail.



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