Validation Error 6777
Short Text: The submitted ELP Code does not align to the ACCESS for ELLs Composite Proficiency Level from the immediately prior school year. The Composite Proficiency Level is between 1.0 and 4.4, but the ELP Code does not equal the digit to the left of the decimal of the Composite Proficiency Level.
Long Text: The ELP Code does not align to the ACCESS for ELLs Composite Proficiency Level from the immediately prior school year. The Composite Proficiency Level is between 1.0 and 4.4, but the ELP Code does not equal the digit to the left of the decimal of the Composite Proficiency Level. The Composite Proficiency Level is determined by the prior year administration of the DPI-approved ACCESS for ELLs test, regardless of which district, local educational agency, or Choice school the test was administered in. Correct the ELP code in your SIS to match the truncated ACCESS for ELLs Composite Proficiency Level from the immediately prior school year.
NOTE: Choice schools that accept Title I & / or Title III funds are required to collect, assess and report  ELP data, and an ELP code should be submitted by these Choice schools. Private schools participating in the Choice program submit data through WISEdata to meet school accountability reporting requirements. These private schools may also opt into receiving an All Students Report Card in addition to a Choice Students Report Card. If a school opts to do so, the school submits data through WISEdata for both Choice and non-Choice students. The ELP code submitted to WISEdata is determined as follows:
How to Fix: You'll receive this error when your submitted English Language Proficiency Code (ELP Code) doesn't match last school year's ACCESS for ELLs Composite Proficiency Level. You need to review the student's ELP code to make sure it matches up with the corresponding Composite Proficiency Level from the prior school year once rounded to the lowest whole number. For instance, if the ACCESS for ELLs score was 1.6, you would need an ELP 1 code. To clear the error, modify the ELP Code to match the score range for the Composite Proficiency Level and resend to WISEdata.

According to the English Learner Policy Handbook, Chapter 3, “the Multiple Indicators of Progress (MIP) cannot override a definitive ELP assessment for a student, as a standardized, unbiased measure of English proficiency must be the core of ELP decisions. In the case of non-definitive, borderline scores however, it may be used as supplemental information with which to make a final EL determination.”  Chapter 15 of that manual describes the use of MIP in great detail.  

The documentation says that “students must be reclassified upon reaching an Overall Composite ELP of 5.0 or greater on the ACCESS for ELLs, students scoring 4.5-4.9 may be evaluated with the MIP and exited, should they demonstrate full English proficiency.”  

Students with an ACCESS score of below 4.5 aren't eligible for reclassification.

Example: It's the start of the new school year, and District Deb sees an error on Hannah's record that her ELP Code and ACCESS for ELLs Composite Proficiency Level don't match. Deb looks into the matter and sees that Hannah, a second grade student, scored a 4.1 Composite Proficiency Level on last year's ACCESS for ELLs test. However, an ELP Code of 3 was submitted, which doesn't align to Hannah's score range. Deb modifies the ELP Code to ELP 4 and resubmits to WISEdata to clear the error.
Business Rule Logic: Only display the rule to the currently enrolled district/Choice school or if no current enrollment, last enrolled district/Choice school. Current Year ELP Code is between 1 and 6; AND Prior Year Composite Proficiency Level is between 1.0 and 4.4 inclusive; AND Truncated Prior Year Composite Proficiency Level does not equal the current year ELP Code; AND Student is currently in grade KG-12 (exclude PK, K3, and K4); AND Current date is between July 1 and March 31 of the school year in context (e.g., School Year 2018-19, then current date between July 1, 2018, and March 31, 2019)
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For more information, see the English Language Proficiency data element page, and the Choice Schools Reporting ELP Data KBA, as well as the English Learner Policy Handbook.
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