Error 6793
Validation Error 6793
Short Text: Student must be at least 3 years old on the enrollment start date.
Long Text: Student must be at least 3 years old on the enrollment start date. Ensure that the student’s birth date is correct in your SIS and in WISEdata. Also, ensure that the enrollment start date is correct and is on or after the student’s third birthday. While special education services can begin shortly before the student’s third birthday, WISEdata enrollment must start on or after the student’s third birthday. Do not throw the error when Membership enrollment type is used; Membership is a primary enrollment type submitted specifically for students whose age is outside the expected range that must be met for grade levels.
Business Rule Logic: If student age is < 3 on student school association entry date, and enrollment type is not membership, then throw L2 error to LEA that submitted enrollment.
How to Fix: WISEdata is throwing this error because you've submitted a student to WISEdata who isn't yet three years old. Because students under age three should NOT be reported to WISEdata, you will need to make a change to clear the error. First, verify the student's birth date and enrollment start date (entry date). 
  • If the student is not at least three years old as of the enrollment start date, the child should be marked as excluded from state reporting until turning age three, so no enrollments are sent to WISEdata. This is true even if an IEP starts just prior to the child's third birthday. Once the student turns three, you may submit an enrollment and special education program association, as applicable, as of the child's third birthday.
  • If the student is age three, update the date of birth to the correct value in your SIS and sync to WISEid and push to WISEdata. 
  • If you are participating WiSFiP Pupil Count pilot program in the 2022-23 school year, you may use the Membership enrollment type to avoid receiving this error. Membership enrollment type is used specifically for students whose age is outside the expected range that must be met for grade levels. Using this enrollment type will clear the error. 
Example: District Deb spots an error on Andy's record that he's not three as of his enrollment start date. Deb knows students under age three should not be reported to WISEdata, so she looks into the matter. Deb learns that Andy is receiving special education services in the Birth to 3 program and has consequently been set up with an IEP soon to start, as his third birthday is in two weeks. Deb marks the record as excluded from state reporting for now, but she makes a note for herself to start a new enrollment and special education program association (sSEAP) record for Andy starting on his third birthday.
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For more info visit the Enrollment Dates data element page, Enrollment Types data elements page, and the Uncommon WISEdata Situations page for more information on Early Childhood scenarios and use cases.