Validation Warning 6794
Short Text: Multiple certificated program statuses were submitted for a certified program that is not associated with a course. Only one is expected.
Long Text: Student transferred within the same district, and multiple certificated program statuses were submitted for a certified program that is not associated with a course. Only one is expected. It could be because the student is certifying for more than one certificate within the same program. If you are aware of this, and it was reported correctly, acknowledge the warning. Otherwise, correct the data in your SIS.
How to Fix: This warning throws when a student has multiple certificated program statuses submitted when only one is expected. This was flagged because the student transferred schools in the same district, and it's likely an accidental double submission of a certificated program status by both schools. As only one status is expected for the certified program, check to see if the student is enrolled in one certified program in the district. If the student is in only one program, correct the duplicate submission in your SIS. However, if the student happens to be trying for multiple certifications in the same program, acknowledge the warning.
Example: District Deb sees a warning on Antoine's record that he has multiple certificated program statuses submitted for one program. Deb looks into the matter and sees that Antoine transferred from Tartan High School to Hounds-tooth High School within the same district. She sees he's still enrolled in only one certified program, but both schools were submitting certificated program statuses for him. Deb knows only one is expected, so she corrects the duplicate data entry error so that only the current school has the status submitted.
Business Rule Logic: Throw the warning on /sCTEPA if:
  • /sCTEPA is submitted for a student, AND
  • the number of Certified Program Status in /sCTEPA for a certified program in a particular district is greater than ( > ) 1, AND
  • the student's grade level is between 9-12 on any of the primary enrollments.
NOTE: CE-certified and non-certified student program associations are not expected from non-primary enrollment.  Do not run this rule for non-primary enrollment LEAs. add a high-level rule to reject Certified and non-certified programs from non-primary enrollment LEAs. 
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