
Warning 7187 

Short Text: Introductory courses in multiple languages were submitted for students in one or more grade levels greater than 7. 


Long Text: Introductory courses delivering an introduction to World Language through instruction in multiple languages [SCED code 24040] are not expected for students in grade levels 7 to 12. This course code should only be offered for students who are in grade levels lower than grade 7 (i.e., 6th grade or lower). To resolve this warning, check the student's grade level and the course code (SCED code). Correct whichever is incorrect - the student's grade level or the course code.


NOTE: Warning 7187 is similar to Warning 7167, but Warning 7187 is associated with the student section association (/sSA). Warning 7187 began with 22-23 SY. Warning 7167 ended upon the completion of 21-22 SY.   


How to Fix: This warning appears if a course that is reported with the course type Exploration of Multiple World Languages does not have a program type of Exploratory World Language Program (EXWL), formerly referred to as Foreign Language Exploratory Program (FLEX). Introductory courses in multiple languages are expected to be reported for grades pre-KG through 6, but not grades 7 through 12. If a student from grade 6 is in the class, then remove the student from that section. Ensure that the course has the appropriate course code and program type (for example, update the section program to ‘Other than EXWL’), and correct whichever is incorrect. If you can verify that both are correct, you can acknowledge the warning. 



Example: District Deb sees a warning that a course at a school in her district is reported as Exploration of Multiple World Languages but does not have the expected program type of EXWL. Deb investigates and finds that the course is for students in 6th grade and should not be reported with the EXWL program type. She corrects the program type and resubmits the data, clearing the warning. 


Technical Details: 

Business Rule Logic:

School level error.

Exclude ICS, CCDEB, DOC, DHS, Choice schools, and Detention Facility schools.

Throw the warning at the student section level if a section is associated with SCED code 24040 (for all rigor levels) AND the student is in one or more grade level from 7-12.


Additional Comments 

For more info, see the Courses data element page. 

