Short Text: A course associated with a ‘Secondary Level World Language' (SLWL) program is offered to students in grade levels below/less than 6.

Long Text: Students are associated with the ‘World Language' (WL) program type with the program name, 'Secondary Level World Language Program,' (SLWL) but the SLWL program should be offered to students in grade levels greater than 6.  

How to Fix: This warning will display when the course/section has WL Program = SLWL and student enrolled in the course/section is in grade 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, KG or grades lower than KG. To fix, review the grade level of enrolled students AND review the World Language program type course code; correct either, as needed. SLWL course code should only be used for courses available to students in grades 7-12. World Language course codes for grade 6 or below should have a code other than ‘SLWL’.  

Note: World Language codes were formerly named foreign language. Refer to the World Language Programs data element website to view the list of WL programs for the current school year and their corresponding codes.

Example: Teacher Nancy teaches Spanish at 23rd Street Elementary School which teaches K3-5th grade students. She received error 7440, indicating that her school was offering ‘World Language’  program courses specifically associated with the program name ‘Secondary Level World Language’ (SLWL). The SLWS course code should only be used when offered to students grade 7-12. Teacher Nancy checks the code for her course offerings in her SIS and sees that the course code is indicated by ‘SLWL’ , but she only offers this class to 4th and 5th graders. Realizing that the course code is incorrect, Teacher Nancy updates her course codes to EXWL (Exploratory World Language Program), which is available to 4K - 6th grade learners, clearing the error. 

Technical Details:

Business Rule Logic: Throw the warning on the student section association if /studentSectionAssociationProgram has the program name ‘SLWL’ AND student's grade level is less than 6 (e.g., grade levels 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, KG).



Additional Comments

For more information refer to the World Language Education DPI website, and Wisconsin State Statutes around World Language Program requirements.

