Short Text: No SPED Initial Evaluation from District.

Long Text: It is usually expected that throughout any given school year, there will be at least one initial Special Education evaluation. If a district reports that no SPED initial evaluations occurred this school year, it will throw Error 7183. If it is accurate that not even one SPED initial evaluation occurred in the district, then the LEA may ignore the error. If any initial SPED evaluations occurred during the school year, verify that the number of initial evaluations entered is accurate.

How to Fix: This error appears at the school/district level if zero Special Education Initial Evaluations have been submitted (e.g., your LEA did not conduct any initial evaluations). If this is the case, and the situation is true, then ignore the error. If your school/district has completed any Special Education Initial Evaluations, then enter the correct number and resubmit the data using your student information system (SIS) or third-party vendor SpEd SIS  before sending the update to WDP to clear the error.

Example: School Staff Member Sergio sees Error 7183, indicating that his school has not submitted any (not even one) Special Education Initial Evaluations. Sergio seeks to confirm if this information is correct with the Special Education Director and learns that it is not. The SpEd Director provides Staff Member Sergio with the correct number of initial special education evaluations that took place, which is two. Sergio then confirms with his third-party SIS vendor representative when the data from his special education SIS tool pushes daily* to WISEdata Portal. The next day, Sergio logs into WISEdata Portal. He checks the WISEdata Portal Home screen - Data Pipeline Status to make sure data flow is happening with this vendor tool, and with 'Program' data. Seeing a green checkmark, Sergio feels confident that his LEAs third-party SIS vendor has submitted this year's initial evaluations, he confirms that the error has been corrected.

*NOTE: Sergio could have also done a manual validation instead of waiting for the daily data push. Likewise, Sergio could have also entered the correct number of initial evaluations manually into the field. 

Technical Details:
Business Rule Logic: LEA level error. Throw to public LEAs , including independent charter schools (ICS's), exclude CCDEBs. If No /sSEPEA exists for the LEA then throw the error.