How to Fix:
The DPI school year begins July 1 of every calendar year and continues to June 30 of the following calendar year. The consent date determines the school year in which LEAs need to submit the record for the evaluation. Only send Indicator 11 records relevant to the school year you are sending it for, which is based on the Consent date.
After receiving consent, the local education agency or school district then has 60 days to complete the evaluation, AND the evaluation must be completed within the DPI school year in which consent was given.
Example: Your consent date occurs in one DPI school year, and the evaluation complete dates occurs in the following DPI school year.
If this occurred as a result of a clerical error, double-check the record and ensure the correct Consent to Evaluate Received Date was entered.
If the dates are correct, but the record is being sent for the wrong school year, please check with your vendor to ensure the correct records are sent for the appropriate school year.
To correct: Submit the date for each initial evaluation in a batch that matches the school year of the consent date, *even if* the evaluation activities occur within a 60-day timeframe that ends during the following DPI school year.
Example 1: School Staff Member Sarai sees Error7184, indicating that the ‘Consent to Evaluate’ date entered into the special education portal for an initial SpEd eval has fallen outside of the school year dates. Sarai double checks her records and confirms that the date was 16 October 2022, so this date should have been entered and submitted for the 2022-2023 school year. Sarai sees this date was indeed entered in her SIS, so this data should have been submitted for that school year. Then Sarai needs to contact her vendor, ‘StudentOaSIS,’ to ensure that all records for that year are being submitted appropriately. The vendor confirms a glitch, and the data gets resubmitted, clearing the error.
Example 2: School Staff Member Sarai sees Error 7184, indicating that the ‘Consent to Evaluate’ date entered into the special education portal for an initial SpEd eval has fallen outside of the school year dates. Sarai double checks her records and confirms that the date upon which her student’s parents provided consent to evaluate her student for special education services was 2 October 2022. Sarai sees this date was entered incorrectly in her SIS as 2 October 2021, likely due to a data entry error. Sarai resubmits the date, clearing the error.
Example 3: School Staff Member Sarai sees Error 7184, indicating that the ‘Consent to Evaluate’ date entered into the special education portal for an initial SpEd eval has fallen outside of the school year dates. Sarai double checks her records and notices that the date of parental consent is 28 May 2022. This consent date falls within the 2021-22 school year - not for the current 2022-23 school year - so it should not be submitted for the current (2022-23) DPI/LEA school year. Only send Indicator 11 records relevant to the school year you are sending it for, which is based on the Consent date. Sarai realizes that this data does not be submitted for the 2022-23 school year because this particular consent date fell within the 2021-22 school year, and Sarai should not submit data from a previous school year during this current school year. Sarai clears this data from her SIS for the current school year, and will contact her vendor to ensure these records were correctly sent for the appropriate school year.
Business Rule Logic:
Throw on /sSEPEA (on the Student detail screen the error should show on the program panel 'Special Education') when consentToEvaluationReceivedDate is not within the DPI school year.
Additional Comments
For more information refer to the Special Education Forms Guide, the Wisconsin State Performance Plan Indicators, the IDEA Part B Flow-through Allocations Spreadsheet site, and the Indicator 11: Timely Initial Evaluations Application User Guide.
Indicator 11 Date Element webpages: Timely Special Ed Evaluation, Student Education Organization Responsibility Association, Consent to Evaluation Received Date, Eligibility Evaluation Type, Evaluation Complete Indicator, Evaluation Delay Reason, Evaluation Late Reason, IDEA Indicator, IDEA Indicator (Part B)