
Warning 7446

Short Text: Missing Art Category courses(s) from grades 6 to 8. 


Long Text: No students in this school are submitted as taking a course included in the arts subcategories in grades 6 to 8. 


How to Fix: This warning displays when there are no students submitted in association with art courses in grades 6th - 8th. Students in grade 6 are required to take a music and an art course. Students in grades 7 & 8 need to be offered course options in the art field, and your agency should have students signed up for those courses. 



Example: Educational Employee Erin sees that none of the students in her 6th-8th grade middle school are submitted as taking any art courses. This seems unusual to Erin because she knows that her school has a robust art program, and the students sign up for the courses every school year. She investigates and determines that students are taking art courses at her school, but that the courses haven’t been submitted to WISEdata. She submits each course and all the students associated with these courses via her SIS, which updates nightly into WISEdata. The next day, Warning 7446 cleared. 


Technical Details: 

Business Rule Logic: Exclude DOC and DHS. School-level warning. Course code (on /CourseOffering) under CourseIdentificationSystemDescriptorId= 33 (Arts Category) exists for that school AND no student section is submitted that's associated with course code under CourseIdentificationSystemDescriptorId= 33 (Arts Category) for grade level 6 to 8. 


Additional Comments 

For more info, see the Courses data element page. 

