
Short Text: Student discipline incident was reported by the school but primary enrollment is missing.

Long Text: A student discipline incident was reported by the school but primary enrollment is missing for the student. To fix the error, verify if primary enrollment exists at the school where the incident is reported. If so push primary enrollment data to WISEdata, otherwise, report the incident to the latest primary school of the student.


NOTE: Error 7453 is replacing Error 6870 for the 2023-24 school year going forward due to a change in behavior data collection endpoint association.


How to Fix: This error appears if a student has a discipline incident reported to WISEdata but the school/LEA which reported the discipline incident does not have a primary enrollment type associated with the student. To correct the issue, ensure that the student has a primary enrollment at the school where the incident was reported. Primary enrollment types can either be: Primary or Membership. Ensure that one of these primary enrollment types is associated with the student in WISEdata. Otherwise, report the incident to the student's latest primary school.

Example: District Dylan receives an error that Giuliana has a discipline incident reported about her at a school where she does not have a primary enrollment. Dylan investigates and finds that Giuliana should have a primary enrollment at that school. District Dylan adds the primary enrollment and submits that data to WISEdata to correct the error.

NOTE: Membership enrollment type is only utilized by LEAs continuing participation in the WiSFiP Pupil Count pilot program during the 2023-24 school year.

Technical Details:

Business Rule Logic: Throw on /studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation. Throw the Error if /studentDisciplineIncidentBehaviorAssociation exists AND primary or membership enrollment type is missing.


Additional Comments

For more info, see the Enrollment Type data element page.


