
Short Text: Zero School Food Service program associations have been submitted by this National School Lunch Program (NSLP) school.

Long Text: Zero School Food Service program associations have been submitted by this National School Lunch Program (NSLP) school. Most NSLP schools should have at least one student who is eligible for free or reduced-price meals. In the rare case where that is not true, acknowledge the warning. When the School Food Service program association is missing entirely, the calculated DPI Economically Disadvantaged value will be set to NULL.


How to Fix: A school that is a National School Lunch Program (NSLP) school is expected to have students that receive free and/or reduced-price meals (breakfast &/or lunch). This warning displays when a NSLP school reports zero students as free or reduced-price eligible.

  • If the count of zero students qualifying for free &/or reduced-priced meals is accurate, acknowledge the warning.

  • If the count of zero students qualifying for free &/or reduced-priced meals is not accurate, enter the correct number into your student information system (SIS).

Example: School cafeteria worker Scottie knows that his school, Julia Child High School, is a NSLP school. They see warning 7472, and investigates by reading the FAQs on the Food Service Eligibility data element page. After reading the first FAQ item on this data element page, Scottie knows this number of zero must be wrong. 

The data element page explains that students documented with a specific status automatically qualify for free lunch. Scottie knows that there are a number of students attending Julia Child High School who are homeless, are refugees, and that migrant families are a part of the community. 

Scottie works with other school support staff members to obtain an accurate count of their student body, which also helps provide more resources to these families since it has increased awareness for some newer staff members. 

Scottie enters the correct number of students obtaining free and reduced-price meals into the Student Information System (SIS). Once the nightly data flow updates the numbers, the warning should disappear.  

Technical Details:

Business Rule Logic: Throw at School Level

  1. Exclude DOC, DHS

  2.  If ( NSLP School= Yes) AND at least one student enrolled and Zero School Food Service =( Free OR Reduced price) submitted. 



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