
Short Text: The student is identified as homeless and/or migrant but lacks the 'Free' eligibility status for the food service program.


Long Text: The student is identified as homeless and/or migrant but lacks the 'Free' eligibility status for the food service program. Students experiencing homelessness or classified as migratory students are automatically eligible for free lunch benefits.


LEAs need to review their data carefully and ensure its accuracy. The eligibility status for the food service program must align correctly with the specific circumstances of students experiencing homelessness or being identified as migrants.



How to Fix: This Warning displays when a student identified as either homeless or migrant is associated with a food service eligibility status other than ‘Free.’ Students experiencing homelessness or classified as migratory students are automatically eligible for free lunch benefits.

To fix: 

  1. First, confirm the correct status of the student: Migrant or Not Migrant, Homeless or Not Homeless. 

  2. Check the status of the student’s food service eligibility status: Free, Reduced, or Full Priced. 

  3. If either indicator (migrant/homeless or food service eligibility) is incorrect, set it to the correct value in your SIS. 

Technical Details:

Business Rule Logic: Throw for public schools, charter schools, schools for the blind, and schools for the deaf. Exclude CCDEB, DOC, DHS, and choice schools.


Throw on /studentSchoolFoodServiceProgramAssociation endpoint, if Food Service=Reduced/Full/Unknown AND Overlaps with Migrant Program


If Food Service=Reduced/Full/Unknown AND Overlaps with Homeless Program


Additional Comments

For more info, see the Food Services Eligibility data element page

For more info, see the Homeless Status data element page.

For more info, see the Migrant Status data element page.


