Short Text: Conflicting economic statuses (both economically disadvantaged and not economically disadvantaged) are submitted for the same student within the same school year.

Long Text: The student record contains conflicting economic statuses (both economically disadvantaged and not economically disadvantaged) for the same student within the same school year. This can lead to inaccurate reporting of student demographics. To resolve this error, verify the accuracy of the submitted Economically Disadvantaged Status. Update the student record accordingly to submit only one Economically Disadvantaged Status to the WISEdata Portal.

How to Fix: This error displays when WISEdata detects conflicting economic disadvantaged status data for a student within a given school year.
  1. First, verify that the accuracy of the student’s economic disadvantaged status.
  2. Make corrections wherever needed with your student information system (SIS) tool so that the correct information is provided consistently across the student record.  
  3. With only one economic disadvantaged status option in the record (either economically disadvantaged or not economically disadvantaged), submit the corrected data to WISEdata Portal.
    1. You can do this either by initiating a manual validation or wait for the nightly validation.

Example: Bartholomew Simpson attends Homer High School. District Deb sees that Bartholomew is associated with Error 7484. She looks into the matter, but It’s been a while since she had to locate this kind of data on WISEdata Portal, so Deb refers to the following webpage: Snapshot Preparation, How-To Audit for: Economic Disadvantaged Status Data.

Using this reference, Deb looks up Bartholomew’s Student Details screen on WISEdata Portal.

Bartholomew  is listed as a student with “Full Price” School Food Service under the School Food Service Program association.
Screenshot of the WISEdata Portal Student Details screen for B Simpson, displaying Food Service Program Association data.

However, when she checks Bartholomew’s School Level Demographics, the:
  • Characteristics field is displaying BOTH Economically Disadvantaged and Not Economically Disadvantaged in the, and that the
  • Calculated field of DPI Economically Disadvantaged status is blank (NULL).

Screenshot of the School Level data on a Student Detail screen, demographic information. Characteristics section is displaying both economically disadvantaged and not economically disadvantaged.

Deb recognizes that these values do not align, so she moves into her student information system (SIS) and locates the screens where this data is housed. Deb reads carefully over Bartholomew’s record and determines that he is not economically disadvantaged, and that he does pay full-priced school meals.

Deb corrects the values in  all of the necessary locations on her SIS, and she makes sure to check with her SIS vendor resources to make sure she’s got them all.

Then, Deb triggers and manual validation, making sure to input her email and to click the checkbox to receive an email once the manual validation has been pushed to WISEdata Portal.  

Deb moves on with her day, and a few hours later, she gets the email notification. She goes back to WISEdata Portal and confirms that all of Bartholomew’s data is aligned.
Screenshot of the School Level data on a Student Detail screen, demographic information. Characteristics section is now displaying only not economically disadvantaged.

Technical Details:

Business Rule Logic: Throw for all school types.
Throw on the /StudentEducationOrganizationAssociations (SEOA) endpoint, if the StudentCharacteristicDescriptor has both 'ED' and 'Not ED' as values on the same SEOA.  


Additional Comments
For more info, see the Economically Disadvantaged Status data element page
For more info, see the Food Services Eligibility data element page
For more info, see the Snapshot Preparation, How-To Audit for: Economic Disadvantaged Status Data webpage

