Validation Error 7487
Short Text: An enrollment type of ‘Membership’ is submitted without a valid residency status. Enrollments with the 'membership' enrollment type are not loaded in WISEdash for Districts.

Long Text: An enrollment type of ‘Membership’ is submitted without a valid residency status (R-OUTSIDEAGE or NR-OUTSIDEAGE). The 'Membership' enrollment type should only be assigned to students who fall outside the age eligibility criteria and must be accompanied by the appropriate residency status. To resolve this issue, LEAs must verify both the enrollment type and the residency status and make necessary adjustments. It's important to note that enrollments with the 'membership' enrollment type are not loaded in WISEdash for Districts and are not used for accountability reporting.

How to Fix: This error throws when there is a mismatch between Membership enrollment type and appropriate residency status. Membership enrollment type should only be used with the residency status, R-OUTSIDEAGE or NR-OUTSIDEAGE.
To fix:
  1. Verify that the student is enrolled at your school.
  2. Verify that the student’s age is below compulsory age (i.e., under six years old); this is a requirement to use the ‘outside age’ residency type AND the Membership enrollment type.
  3. If the student’s age is below compulsory age, verify that the student's enrollment type is ‘Membership’.
    1. Membership enrollment type can only be used when all of the following are true:
      • Primary enrollment submitted for students whose age is outside expected range that must be met for grade levels.
      • This enrollment type is used to count pupils for membership reporting purposes only. 
      • This enrollment type should only be used by public schools.
      • This enrollment type should only be used alongside an outside age residency status, either R-OUTSIDEAGE or NR-OUTSIDEAGE.
  4. Verify whether the student is a resident of your LEA, of they are a non-resident, and select either the R-OUTSIDEAGE or NR-OUTSIDEAGE residency status accordingly.

Example: District Danny sees Error 7487 on Angie’s record. They review the information for Angie on their student information system (SIS) vendor tool, ‘Power OaSIS.’

Danny sees that Angie is a student who is four-years old. This means Angie is below compulsory age. The information required for Angie reported to WiSFiP needs to align with her age data, so Danny looks to see that Angie has the ‘Membership’ enrollment type. She does.  

Then Danny check’s Angie’s listed home address to see if she is a resident or non-resident of the LEA. Angie does live within the LEAs boundaries, so she is a resident. Danny checks to make sure that Angie’s Membership type enrollment record is also associated with the R-OUTSIDEAGE residency status. Danny discovers that Angie’s residency status was left blank (NULL).

District Danny fills in the R-OUTSIDEAGE residency status for Angie’s record and them prompts a “Queue Import and Validation” in WISEdata, making sure to click the box to get an email notification when the validation is complete.

A few hours later, District Danny gets the email notification, and checks to see that the error has resolved.  

Technical Details:
LEA Type: Public only
Business Rule Logic: Throw on SSA, when: 
  • Enrollment Type Descriptor Id = Membership (13370), AND 
  • Residency Status Descriptor Id is not:
    • NR-OUTSIDEAGE (506, 510), OR
Residency Status Descriptor is NULL (blank).



Additional Comments

For more info, see the:  

Keywords: 7487, Membership, Enrollment, Outside Age, Residency status 
