Short Text: The reported email address for this student is already used for another student in the same school district.
Long Text: The reported email address for this student is already used for another student in the same school district. Each student must have a unique email address to prevent conflicts and ensure seamless integration with other educational technology products. Please review and update the email addresses in your SIS to resolve this warning.
How to Fix: This warning displays when WISEdata Portal detects duplicate student email addresses. Each student must have a unique email address. Sometimes, especially in larger districts, previously used student email addresses are ‘recycled,’ using the same combination of letters/numbers for a current student that another student who graduated last year also used.
To fix:
- First, locate the students who are sharing the same email address.
- Then, decide which students retains that email address and which student receives a different, unique email address.
- Update the email in the student information system.
- Resubmit the email on the student demographics record to WISEdata Portal.
Guidelines: These practices simplify record management over multiple academic years, while also supporting smooth interoperability with other educational technology products that rely on unique, consistent data identifiers.
- Avoid Reusing Student Emails: If possible, assign a new email address to each student every school year rather than reusing previous ones. Reusing emails can lead to issues when integrating with other educational systems, especially within the 3-year active data window in WISEdata Portal.
- Add Year-Based Conditions: If creating completely new email addresses for each student every year is challenging, consider adding the school year as part of the email address. For example, a format like will ensure each email remains unique year over year.
- No Duplication Within Active Data Window: Ensure that student email addresses are unique for at least three years to avoid any data overlap or conflicts in WISEdata.
Example: Chestertonfieldville School District uses the following pattern for their email address: the first three letters of the last name, and the first 4 letters of the first name. A student named Jennifer Ann Smith would have the email: Jennifer Ann Smith graduated Chestertonfieldville School District in 2023. A new freshman named Jennifer Louise Smith enrolls in Chestertonfieldville High School in 2024. Her email is also
Some DPI educational technology products, like a student information system, WISEid or WISEdata Portal, might require year conditions to be in place for a recycled email. Because WISEdata Portal contains three school years’ worth of data, both Jennifer Ann Smith (2022-23 graduate) and Jennifer Louise Smith (2024-25 freshman) would both have the same email in WISEdata Portal at the same time.
To prevent this error from throwing, Chestertonfieldville should allow Jennifer Ann Smith (2022-23 graduate) to retain the email address and change the email address for Jennifer Louise Smith (2024-25 freshman).
Jennifer Louise Smith (2024-25 freshman) could get a modified email address of or
Technical Details:
Business Rule Logic:
On the /studentEducationOrganizationAssociation record:
- Check if the electronicMailTypeDescriptor is 'Organization'.
- Compare the electronicMailAddress of the student with other students within the same LEA.
- Identify the corresponding LEA (school district) by referencing the associated school (educationOrganizationReference.educationOrganizationId)
- If the same electronicMailAddress is found for more than one student within the same LEA, issue a warning.
For more info, see the email address data element page
For more info, see the education organization reference data element page