
Short Text: The first name OR middle name does not match the value in WISEid.

Long Text: The first name or middle name supplied to WISEdata does not match any name for this student in the WISEid application. To fix this warning, check the values in WISEdata Portal to see if they match the values in the WISEid Application and in your SIS. One of them is likely incorrect, probably the value in the WISEid application. Modify your SIS record and/or WISEid so that they both match the WISEdata value and include the student's accurate name.


One possible reason the name may not match is because there is a WISEid change request that is active for this name. This change request is either in the 7-day pending review stage, or the change request was denied. If this is the case, review the WISEid change requests to see if there are comments to explain why the change was denied.


Modify the SIS record and/or WISEid record with the student's correct and accurate name, so the name is correct in both records (WISEid and SIS).


How to Fix:

  1. Verify the student’s name

  2. Check to make sure that the name entered for the student is identically entered in

    1. Your Student Information System (SIS),

    2. WISEdata Portal, and

    3. WISEid 

  3. Correct all incorrect values for the student's name so that it is identically entered in your SIS, on WISEdata Portal, and in WISEid. 

NOTE: One reason the systems may not match WISEid is due to the WISEid Change Request process. Change Requests can be: 

  • Pending, within the 7-day review stage, or 

  • Denied. 

    • If the Change Request was denied, it may have been for a good reason, like a student’s name being associated with the wrong WISEid number. View your Change Requests in WISEid to see if there are comments as to why the change was denied. Contact the most current, primary LEA if there are no comments explaining why the Change Request was denied. 

Checking the Comments within the WISEid Change Request screen regularly can help prevent problems surrounding Change Requests. 

NOTE: Error 6394 deals with Change Requests about birth date mismatches. 

Example: District Deb receives an error that the name of her student Rachel Lauren Thomas does not match the WISEid name value of Rachael Lauren Thomas. Knowing this name must be accurate in all locations, Deb investigates. After viewing (not copying) the student's birth certificate, Deb sees the student's name is correctly spelled as Raechel. Deb updates the spelling in her SIS. She knows that during the nightly update, this corrected name value will be re-uploaded to modify the value in WISEid, as well as push through the updated value to WISEdata, providing all records with the right data. Deb checks the WISEdata Portal and the WISEid application the following school day to ensure the changes/correction is in effect.

Technical Details:

Business Rule Logic: Throw to Editable LEA FirstName submitted on the student endpoint does not match with the current values in the WISEid system.



Additional Comments

Visit the WISEid User Guide section on Change Requests to view information about completing a Change Request for first, middle, or last names. 

For more info on names, view the Student/Staff Name (Legal and Other) data element page.

Visit the WISEdata uncommon Situations “Data Elements for Students Who are Transgender” page for more details on name change for students who are Transgender.


