
Short Text: Digital Equity data values submitted contradict each other. 

Long Text: Digital Equity data values submitted contradict each other. 'No' was submitted for 'Internet Access In Residence' but 'Internet Access Type In Residence' value was something other than 'None/NULL'  AND/OR ‘Internet Performance in Residence’ submitted was a value other 'No'.

NOTE: Error 7460 is replacing Error 7154 due to changes in the Digital Equity Survey questions that started with the 2023-24 school year. Error 7154  is for the 2022-23 school year and prior.


How to Fix: This warning displays when the answers submitted to some of the questions on the Digital Equity Survey do not align with each other, or contradict each other. Question #1 on the 2023-24 school year Digital Equity Survey is:

  • (Q1) Internet Access in Residence: Can the student access the internet on their primary learning device at home? 

    • True (Yes)

    • False (No)

If the answer to Question #1 is ‘False/No,’ then the expected answer to survey Question #3:

  • (Q3) Internet Access Type is Residence: What is the primary type of internet service used at the residence? 

…would be ‘None’ or would be left blank (NULL). The logic behind this error assumes that the reason one cannot access the internet in their residence is that there is no internet service. Selecting a type of internet service from the list of options on Question #3 (broadband, hot spot, satellite, etc) implies that the answer to Question #1 would be ‘True/Yes.’

Additionally, if the answer to Question #1  is ‘False/No,’ then the expected answer to survey Question #4:

  • (Q4) Internet Performance in Residence: Can the student stream a video on their learning devuice without interruption? 

    • Yes

    • Sometimes (not consistently)

    • No

…would also be ‘No’ because you cannot stream a video if you have no internet access. 

To fix this error,  the answers to Questions #1, #3 and #4 must change so that they are not contradicting each other.


The following answer combinations are in alignment, and will not result in Error 7460: 

  1. Scenario 1:

    1. The answer to (Q1) Internet Access in Residence is ‘False/No’ -AND - 

    2. The answer to (Q3Internet Access Type in Residence is ‘None’ - AND - 

    3. The answer to (Q4Internet Performance in Residence is  ‘No’.

  2. Scenario 2:

    1. The answer to (Q1) Internet Access in Residence as ‘True/Yes’ - AND -   

    2. The answer to (Q3Internet Access Type in Residence is anything but ‘None’ - AND -

    3. The answer to (Q4)Internet Performance in Residence is either ‘Sometimes (not consistently), or ‘No’.

Example: Digital Equity Deb sees Error 7460, indicating that the digital equity data submitted for Robert has a contradiction. She notes that the data says Robert has no internet access in his residence (Question #1), but that a value other than ‘No’ was submitted for internet performance in his residence (Question #4). She verifies that Robert's home does not have internet access, then updates the internet performance data to ‘No’ to clear the error.

Technical Details:

Business Rule Logic: Throw on /sEOA if:

  • “Internet Access in Residence” = No, AND

  • “Internet Access Type In Residence Descriptor” is not equal to ‘None’ or NULL - OR - 

  • “Internet Performance In Residence” descriptor = ‘Yes’ or ‘Sometimes’.

Additional Comments

For more info, see the Digital Equity Data Element collection

For information about the changes made for the 2023-24 school year, read  the KBA about the Updates to Digital Data Equity Collection 

For more info on Digital Equity, please visit the DPI Digital Equity Gap landing page

