
Validation Error 7139

Message: Invalid Educational Environment Setting based on student age and grade level for the effective period of the special education record. Educational Environment Setting codes are defined for two age groups:

  • Preschool (ages 3 to 5, not yet in kindergarten)
  • School age (age 5 in kindergarten, and all students ages 6 to 21)  

If the child is age 5 and the grade is KG or higher, the school-age educational environment categories will be used. If the child is age 5 and the grade is K3, K4, or PK, the preschool educational environment categories will be used. If the child is age 3-4 then Age 3-5 ed env category should be used. If the child is age 6-21 then Age 6-21 ed env category should be used.

To ensure accurate federal reporting, it is critical that the sSEPA that covers October 1 has a valid educational environment for the student age as of October 1. The error is thrown in the following situations:

  • Student is age 3 or 4 on the SSEPA end date and the ed env code is submitted as 6-21, then you get the error. To fix the error change the education env code to 3-5
  • Student is age 5 on the SSEPA end date, grade level is < KG, and the ed env code is submitted as 6-21, then you get the error. To fix the error change the education env code to 3-5.
  • Student is greater than or equal to age 5 on the SSEPA end date, grade level is > = KG, and the ed env code is submitted as 3-5, then you get the error. To fix the error change the education env code to 6-21.
  • Student is age 5 on begin date and grade level <kG and age 6 on the end date. In this case, separate the SSEPA record for age 5 and age 6. On the SSEPA record where the student is age 5 on SSEPA end date and grade level is < kG and the correct education env code is 3-5. An error will be thrown if any other ed env code is used.  On the SSEPA record where the student is age 6 on SSEPA end date irrespective of grade level, the education env code is school-age code 6-21.

How to Fix: This error appears if a student’s submitted educational environment is not appropriate for the student’s submitted age and grade level for their special education (sSEPA) record, as determined by the sSEPA record's submitted end date. To fix this error, submit the correct educational environment for the student, or correct the end date if it is incorrect or has not been submitted. Refer to the Educational Environment data element page to determine the appropriate environment to submit for the student.

  • If a student began the school year age 5 and will turn 6 before the end of the school year: In this scenario, this error appears because the rule uses the sSEPA end date to determine the correct educational environment code for the student. It may not be possible to update the sSEPA end date to the date the student turns 6 until the student's actual birthday because your SIS may not let you enter a future date. In this case, you can ignore this error until the student's 6th birthday, then end the student's sSEPA record and begin a new one with the new educational environment code.

Technical Details
Business Logic: Throw on SPED . Do not run for DOC
Student is <5 on effective begin date and env is 6 to 21
Student turns 5 and grade >=KG and student is =5 on current date
Student is =5 for whole ssepa and grade is < KG and env is 6 to 21
Student is =5 for whole ssepa and grade is >= KG and env is 3 to 5
Student turns 6 and grade <KG and is 6 on current date
Student is >=6 on effective begin date and env is 3 to 5

Note that if no SSEPA End Date has been submitted, this rule uses the Effective End Date instead.


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